From Bauhaus To Tom’s House

March 20, 2015 1 min read


Earlier this month Tom Wolfe celebrated his 84th birthday. Esquire ran a slideshow of his style through the years (news flash: it hasn’t changed much). But what about the Upper East Side townhouse where the author lives? Is it as white as his wardrobe and Cadillac?

Here’s the answer via some portraits of Wolfe at home that show glimpses of his art and furnishings, which include plenty of dandyish menswear motifs.

The shot above and three below are by photographer Todd Selby:




This one is by Tim Clarke:

04_Tom_Wolfe by tim clarkeDavid Corio:

tom-wolfe-by david corio15

The remaining are unknown:


23-tom-wolf.nocrop.w529.h444.2x    hang_it_up_tom

Oh, and as for that Cadillac….

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